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Mood Map Cards

Mood Map Cards

Regular price £15.00 GBP
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Cards to help you understand your emotions

It can sometimes be very hard to know – let alone tell others – what we actually feel. Here is a pack of 60 cards, each of which puts a finger on an emotion that we might be experiencing without being able to pin it down exactly. The cards range in themes from happy to sad, agitated to serene.

Use these cards with a friend, a partner, a therapist or a parent – in any situation where you might want to explore a range of emotional options in order to define what is truly coursing through you. With charm and ease, you'll become clearer to yourself – and a lot more understandable and open to others.

Our true emotions often lie slightly out of reach. Use these cards whenever you want to get more precise about what might really be happening in your mind – in order to explain yourself to others or (just as usefully) to yourself.

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