Our fabulous Showcase Winner Anastassia Zamaraeva

Our fabulous Showcase Winner Anastassia Zamaraeva

Every year in partnership with Great Northern Contemporary Craft Fair, we have the difficult task of selecting one designer-maker from the fair to award the prize of a solo selling showcase here at the gallery. The fair sees some of the UK's best designer-makers setting up stall and we have the pleasure of wandering around, when all the stall holders have gone for a break, looking at all the treasures.

Knowing that many of our visitors have that playful slightly subversive Mancunian spirit, we had to select Anastassia Zamaraeva as our showcase winner for this year.

Anastassia is a sculptural ceramic artist based in here Manchester. Her work featured in last year’s GNCCF trailblazer event and was hugely popular with our visitors.

Her humorous, sometimes melancholic ceramic's sit between the world of art and art therapy. Her process can be a mindful and therapeutic act which echo’s our gallery’s own wellbeing focus.

We are delighted to award her the prize of a solo showcase and see her work once again on display in the gallery shop.


Available to purchase in-store

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